Director, Customer Success Management
Welcome to the Latest Job Vacancies Site 2025 and at this time we would like to inform you of the Latest Job Vacancies from the Salesforce with the position of Director, Customer Success Management - Salesforce which was opened this.
If this job matches your qualifications, please send your application directly through our latest Job site. Indeed, every job is not easy to apply because it must meet several qualifications and requirements that we must meet in accordance with the standard criteria of the Company who are looking for potential candidates to work. Good job information Director, Customer Success Management - Salesforce below matches your qualifications. Good Luck: D
To get the best candidate experience, please consider applying for a maximum of 3 roles within 12 months to ensure you are not duplicating efforts.
Job Category
Customer SuccessJob Details
About Salesforce
Were Salesforce, the Customer Company, inspiring the future of business with AI+ Data +CRM. Leading with our core values, we help companies across every industry blaze new trails and connect with customers in a whole new way. And, we empower you to be a Trailblazer, too — driving your performance and career growth, charting new paths, and improving the state of the world. If you believe in business as the greatest platform for change and in companies doing well and doing good - youve come to the right place.
For our customers who wish to get the most value out of Salesforce with an enterprise experience and the fastest support, delivered by our most skilled experts, they purchase our Signature Success Plan. Signature drives the right insights and people at the right time - which can make all the difference. When you have Signature, you unlock our deepest level of partnership, most skilled expertise, and tools to stay agile. We are looking for a Leader to join our Account Success team focused on Signature Success customers from our fast-growing business in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. This role will lead a team of Customer Success Managers (CSM) who are accountable for delivering the best-in-class customer outcomes for the Signature Success customers. The person is responsible for “running the Signature Success business”, executes and drives the strategy of Signature Success Plan renewals and growth aligning closely with Renewals and Success Plan Sellers. An ideal candidate has strong people management capability and a background in Customer Success strategies, trends, and outcomes at the enterprise level. The candidate has abilities engaging CxO-level stakeholders and can research, synthesize, and develop insights and actions from market intelligence & customer feedback. Customer centricity, teamwork, resourcefulness, flexibility, and a get-it-done demeanor are needed in this role. Responsibilities
Lead a team of CSMs, forecasting growth, excellence and High Performing Culture
Execute strategies for Signature Success Plan renewals and growth across the assigned portfolio
Engage in top Signature Success prospects by providing direct customer-facing presales support and formulating strategies to accelerate deal close.
Actively engage in account strategy and be a part of executing the strategy for select accounts.
Foster executive relationships with covered customers and internally to drive value of Signature investment.
Ensure the team successfully delivers the obligations and entitlements of the Signature offer
Proactively identify and remediate high-risk customers, and address & resolve complex customer blocking issues.
Own the direct relationship with Sales leaders in various countries and build successful partnerships with broader stakeholders serving this OU to achieve common goals.
Work closely with peers and selling partners on capacity planning for Signature obligations.
Align customer allocations with Signature coverage, manage team-based allocations, and synchronise additional cloud resources as needed.
Deliver operating unit targets and key performance metrics through operational execution and discipline
Ensure teams are proficient in New Product Introductions (NPI) and New Service Introductions (NSI) initiatives.
Stay informed on market trends, risks, and opportunities specific to customers and industries, communicating insights to stakeholders and Operating Unit (OU) leaders.
Be an inspirational leader and create a vibrant, inclusive culture that inspires people to do their best work
Preferred Qualifications and Skills
Possess a minimum of 5+ years in leadership roles with direct experience in a customer success and team management.
The ideal candidate has experience in growth markets such as Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines in addition to Indonesia.
Proven success in establishing a clear vision and driving change within a customer-facing organisation within the enterprise software/technology industry
Couple with a customer-centric mindset and strong critical thinking, exhibit the ability to use data and insights to identify trends and risks, and inform strategies, tactics and execution.
Demonstrate excellent communication skills to bridge between various teams and levels, and negotiation skills both with customers and internally
Experience in building executive relationships and driving/influencing change with complex Enterprises across all functional areas, in particular Sales.
Showcase a proven track record in building a high-performing team, including performance management, talent management, recruitment, retention, and development.
Experience with Enterprise-scale organisations and demonstrated leadership to make rapid decisions and problem-solving in this environment
Track record of delivering against targets and KPIs
Familiarity with Salesforces product offerings, services, and the larger industry landscape.
Resilient & capable of dealing with complex & challenging situations
Untuk pelanggan kami yang ingin mendapatkan nilai terbaik dari Salesforce dengan pengalaman perusahaan dan dukungan tercepat, yang diberikan oleh para ahli kami yang paling terampil, mereka membeli Signature Success Plan. Signature memberikan wawasan dan orang yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat - yang dapat membuat perbedaan besar. Ketika Anda memiliki Signature, Anda membuka tingkat kemitraan kami yang paling dalam, keahlian yang paling terampil, dan alat untuk tetap gesit.
Kami mencari seorang Pemimpin untuk bergabung dengan tim Account Success kami yang berfokus pada nasabah Signature Success dari bisnis kami yang berkembang pesat di Filipina, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, dan Malaysia. Posisi ini akan memimpin tim Customer Success Manager (CSM) yang bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan hasil yang terbaik di kelasnya bagi nasabah Signature Success. Orang tersebut bertanggung jawab untuk “menjalankan bisnis Signature Success”, menjalankan dan mendorong strategi pembaruan dan pertumbuhan Signature Success Plan yang selaras dengan Renewal dan Success Plan Sellers. Kandidat yang ideal memiliki kemampuan manajemen sumber daya manusia yang kuat dan latar belakang dalam strategi, tren, dan hasil Customer Success di tingkat perusahaan. Kandidat memiliki kemampuan untuk melibatkan pemangku kepentingan di tingkat CxO dan dapat meneliti, mensintesis, serta mengembangkan wawasan dan tindakan dari intelijen pasar & umpan balik pelanggan. Fokus pada pelanggan, kerja tim, sumber daya, fleksibilitas, dan sikap menyelesaikan pekerjaan diperlukan dalam peran ini.
Tanggung Jawab
- Memimpin tim CSM, meramalkan pertumbuhan, keunggulan, dan Budaya Berkinerja Tinggi
- Menjalankan strategi untuk pembaruan dan pertumbuhan Signature Success Plan di seluruh portofolio yang ditugaskan
- Terlibat dalam prospek Signature Success terbaik dengan memberikan dukungan prapenjualan yang berhadapan langsung dengan pelanggan dan merumuskan strategi untuk mempercepat penutupan transaksi.
- Terlibat aktif dalam strategi akun dan menjadi bagian dari pelaksanaan strategi untuk akun tertentu.
- Membina hubungan eksekutif dengan pelanggan yang tercakup dan secara internal untuk mendorong nilai investasi Signature.
- Memastikan tim berhasil memenuhi kewajiban dan hak dari penawaran Signature
- Secara proaktif mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki nasabah berisiko tinggi, serta mengatasi & menyelesaikan masalah pemblokiran nasabah yang kompleks.
- Memiliki hubungan langsung dengan para pemimpin Penjualan di berbagai negara dan membangun kemitraan yang sukses dengan para pemangku kepentingan yang lebih luas yang melayani OU ini untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.
- Bekerja sama dengan rekan kerja dan mitra penjualan dalam perencanaan kapasitas untuk kewajiban Signature.
- Menyelaraskan alokasi pelanggan dengan cakupan Signature, mengelola alokasi berbasis tim, dan menyinkronkan sumber daya cloud tambahan sesuai kebutuhan.
- Memberikan target unit operasi dan metrik kinerja utama melalui pelaksanaan dan disiplin operasional
- Memastikan tim mahir dalam inisiatif Perkenalan Produk Baru (NPI) dan Perkenalan Layanan Baru (NSI).
- Selalu mendapatkan informasi tentang tren pasar, risiko, dan peluang khusus untuk nasabah dan industri, mengkomunikasikan wawasan kepada para pemangku kepentingan dan pemimpin Unit Operasi (OU).
- Menjadi pemimpin yang inspiratif dan menciptakan budaya yang dinamis dan inklusif yang menginspirasi orang untuk melakukan pekerjaan terbaik mereka
Kualifikasi dan Keterampilan yang Diutamakan
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5+ tahun dalam peran kepemimpinan dengan pengalaman langsung dalam kesuksesan pelanggan dan manajemen tim.
- Kandidat yang ideal memiliki pengalaman di pasar yang sedang berkembang seperti Thailand, Vietnam, Filipina, selain Indonesia.
- Terbukti sukses dalam membangun visi yang jelas dan mendorong perubahan dalam organisasi yang berhadapan langsung dengan pelanggan dalam industri perangkat lunak/teknologi perusahaan
- Memiliki pola pikir yang berpusat pada pelanggan dan pemikiran kritis yang kuat, menunjukkan kemampuan untuk menggunakan data dan wawasan untuk mengidentifikasi tren dan risiko, serta menginformasikan strategi, taktik, dan eksekusi.
- Menunjukkan kemampuan komunikasi yang sangat baik untuk menjembatani berbagai tim dan level, dan keterampilan negosiasi baik dengan pelanggan maupun secara internal
- Pengalaman dalam membangun hubungan eksekutif dan mendorong/mempengaruhi perubahan dengan Perusahaan yang kompleks di semua bidang fungsional, khususnya Penjualan.
- Memiliki rekam jejak yang terbukti dalam membangun tim yang berkinerja tinggi, termasuk manajemen kinerja, manajemen talenta, rekrutmen, retensi, dan pengembangan.
- Pengalaman dengan organisasi berskala perusahaan dan menunjukkan kepemimpinan untuk membuat keputusan cepat dan pemecahan masalah dalam lingkungan ini
- Rekam jejak pencapaian terhadap target dan KPI
- Familiar dengan penawaran produk, layanan, dan lanskap industri yang lebih besar dari Salesforce.
- Tangguh & mampu menghadapi situasi yang kompleks & menantang
If you require assistance due to a disability applying for open positions please submit a request via this Accommodations Request Form .
Posting Statement
At Salesforce we believe that the business of business is to improve the state of our world. Each of us has a responsibility to drive Equality in our communities and workplaces. We are committed to creating a workforce that reflects society through inclusive programs and initiatives such as equal pay, employee resource groups, inclusive benefits, and more. Learn more about Equality at and explore our company benefits at .
Salesforce is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender perception or identity, national origin, age, marital status, protected veteran status, or disability status. Salesforce does not accept unsolicited headhunter and agency resumes. Salesforce will not pay any third-party agency or company that does not have a signed agreement with Salesforce .
Salesforce welcomes all.
Information :
- Company : Salesforce
- Position : Director, Customer Success Management
- Location : Jakarta
- Country : ID
How to Submit an Application:
After reading and knowing the criteria and minimum requirements for qualifications that have been explained from the Director, Customer Success Management job info - Salesforce Jakarta above, thus jobseekers who feel they have not met the requirements including education, age, etc. and really feel interested in the latest job vacancies Director, Customer Success Management job info - Salesforce Jakarta in 2025-01-15 above, should as soon as possible complete and compile a job application file such as a job application letter, CV or curriculum vitae, FC diploma and transcripts and other supplements as described above, in order to register and take part in the admission selection for new employees in the company referred to, sent via the Next Page link below.
Attention - In the recruitment process, legitimate companies never withdraw fees from candidates. If there are companies that attract interview fees, tests, ticket reservations, etc. it is better to avoid it because there are indications of fraud. If you see something suspicious please contact us:
Post Date : 2025-01-15
Recomendations Jobs