Business & Investment Analyst

Welcome to the Latest Job Vacancies Site 2025 and at this time we would like to inform you of the Latest Job Vacancies from the PT. Valbury Semarang with the position of Business & Investment Analyst - PT. Valbury Semarang which was opened this.

If this job matches your qualifications, please send your application directly through our latest Job site. Indeed, every job is not easy to apply because it must meet several qualifications and requirements that we must meet in accordance with the standard criteria of the Company who are looking for potential candidates to work. Good job information Business & Investment Analyst - PT. Valbury Semarang below matches your qualifications. Good Luck: D


Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa konsultasi investasi berdiri dari tahun 1999 dan memiliki sejumlah kantor cabang di Indonesia. Saat ini membutuhkan sejumlah kandidat yang akan kami latih menjadi tenaga profesional sebagai business and investment analyst.

Job Desk - Mampu membangun komunikasi yang intens dengan nasabah- Membuat keputusan investasi yang terbaik untuk kepentingan nasabah- Membuat perencanaan dan strategi yang tepat dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan investasi- Melakukan analisa pasar berdasar produk investasi secara periodik- Memastikan kesesuaian antara keputusan investasi yang diambil dengan kebijakan dan strategi investasi yang memberikan potensi keuntungan optimal- Memastikan setiap keputusan investasi yang diambil dilakukan atas pertimbangan yang rasional serta didukung oleh hasil riset yang cukup- Menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian dan manajemen risiko

Persyaratan dan KeahlianPria/wanita berusia 21 tahun ke atas, minimal pendidikan S1, memiliki penampilan yang menarik dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baik. Jujur dan berintegritas tinggi, berpikir kritis, kreatif dan inisiatif, mampu mengambil keputusan berdasar analisa. Memiliki networking dan jaringan bisnis yang luas serta mampu melakukan supervisi dan memiliki kemampuan leadership serta negosiasi. Komitmen dalam menjalani tugas dan berorientasi pada pencapaian target.


Tersedia paket penghasilan, bonus dan insentif yang menarik dan jenjang karir akseleratif hingga level managerial kurang dari 1 tahun.

Jenis Pekerjaan: Kontrak, Fresh Grad

Information :

  • Company : PT. Valbury Semarang
  • Position : Business & Investment Analyst
  • Location : Semarang
  • Country : ID

How to Submit an Application:

After reading and knowing the criteria and minimum requirements for qualifications that have been explained from the Business & Investment Analyst job info - PT. Valbury Semarang Semarang above, thus jobseekers who feel they have not met the requirements including education, age, etc. and really feel interested in the latest job vacancies Business & Investment Analyst job info - PT. Valbury Semarang Semarang in 2025-03-12 above, should as soon as possible complete and compile a job application file such as a job application letter, CV or curriculum vitae, FC diploma and transcripts and other supplements as described above, in order to register and take part in the admission selection for new employees in the company referred to, sent via the Next Page link below.

Next Process

Attention - In the recruitment process, legitimate companies never withdraw fees from candidates. If there are companies that attract interview fees, tests, ticket reservations, etc. it is better to avoid it because there are indications of fraud. If you see something suspicious please contact us:

Post Date : 2025-03-12 | Expired Date : 2025-04-11